MxRP BBCode Guide

Text Styles


Italicize text by placing it between [i] and [/i]


  • What is [i]that[/i]? --> What is that?


Underline text by placing it between [u] and [/u]


  • I read [u]Hamlet[/u]. --> I read Hamlet.


Strike-through text by placing it between either [s] and [/s] or [del] and [/del]


  • I do [s]not[/s] like it --> I do not like it.
  • I do [del]not[/del] want it --> I do not want it.


Superscript text by playing it between [sup] and [/sup].


Subscript text by playing it between [sub] and [/sub].


Make a block of text all caps by placing it between [c] and [/c].

all lowercase

Make a block of text all lowercase by placing it between [w] and [/w].

Fonts & Colors


The default font used on MxRP is Courier but you can use any font available on your device by placing text between [font=CHOICE] and [/font] while replacing CHOICE with the font of your choosing.

A list of common fonts can be found on Wavian webmaster resources or Ampsoft Web Design Tips & Tricks.

Note: Since MxRP's font is bold by default, all text used on MxRP will be set to bold automatically.

Text & Text Background Color

To change the color of a portion of your text to a different one than your chosen default, place the text between [color=CHOICE] and [/color] replacing CHOICE with the color of your choosing.

To change the background color of the text, place the text between [bgcolor=CHOICE] and [/bgcolor] replacing CHOICE with the color of your choosing.

BBCode supports several different color formats.

  • Named Colors: Some colors can be selected by naming them. To use red you could write [color=red]this is red[/color] and it would come out like this this is red
  • Hex Codes: These have a # in front of them followed by six numbers and letters. To use the same red as above you would write [color=#ff0000]this is red[/color]
  • RGB Values: These set color based on Red, Green and Blue values. To use the same red as above you would write [color=rgb(255,0,0)]this is red[/color]
  • RGBA Values: These set color based on Red, Green, Blue and Alpha values. To use the same red as above you would write [color=rgba(255,0,0,1)]this is red[/color]

Rainbows and Gradients

(click to toggle background)
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipiscing

Paragraph Styles

Line Breaks

You can use [br] to make a line break in your text.


Format Links

Links can be created by placing the text you would like someone to click on between [url=urlhere] and [/url] and replacing urlhere with the url you want to link to.

Text styles and colors can be added to links by placing the bbcode between the [url] [/url] tags as in the examples below.

Add Links to Acronyms

Links cannot actually be added to acronyms directly, but there is a workaround to make it appear as if your acronym is a link.

By having nothing entered as your acronym and adding BBCode to your prefix, you can make it appear as though you have an acronym that is a link or has BBCode text formatting styles.

Of course, this is really just a prefix. So sneaky!


Display BBCode

To display raw BBCode for others to emulate, place the tags [raw] and [/raw] around the code.